проект ПОДАРИ
-Usually, we give on a certain occasion. We give it as a gift because it is socially accepted ?! We give ... - is it selfless from the heart and soul ?! We reach out a hand - whether to give or to receive? Do we learn from our own mistakes ?!
Do we learn at all and from whom? What kind of lessons are we learning generally?
- "What are we giving?" - Is it something big or something small? How do we measure the value of what they have given us? Is the <money> your measurable value? Or the <size>, the <weight> and the <volume> is more suitable values? What do you keep as a memory of every gift that someone has given to you - color/s, fragrance/s, feeling/s .? Sometimes to give someone a gift is just part of a campaign, unfortunately! Have you ever given any gift just like that, for no reason ?! ...Let's do it together?
We provoke you to Give someone a gift...just like that, without reason. To someone who is your relative, acquaintance, or just stranger ... With intention or simply following one's internal consumption. Each of us has countless things we no longer need, isn't it? And if the needs of others are not alien to you ... you could give to someone every your unnecessary thing. Allow them to find a new home and become expensive and necessary for someone. How? You will decide for yourself personally. Could you announce online what and to whom you will give? .. It is important to know and not to forget that: many people will be happy to have even one of the things that are unnecessary for you.
Let's be a good person not only at Christmas!
is no budget, no time-limited project! It is realized only with the positive energy, pure thoughts, and good intentions of each of us! It is directed by us and intended for us, where "US" is "We"!
.. Let us suggest some ideas for a special gift:
- - give a BOOK - In everyone's home, there is at least one book that is forgotten on the shelf. No book deserves such a fate .... Take it off the shelf. Blow out its dust. Open its pages. Unfold it. ... Give it to someone!
- - give a GOOD WORD - Our day passes imperceptibly. In a hurry, we don't notice how the day went. This is the same as how people leave our life - imperceptibly ... They leave - our life, we - leave theirs. Comes a time when we realize that we cannot go back in time, and ...generally in the time ahead - the horizon is not far away and high ... It is the right moment to say yourself "Stop". It is time to slow down the pace. Look around and see someone on your way Stop him. Talk to him. Say a good word to him.
- - give a GOOD THOUGHT - no matter how much you have nothing to give, even if the giving of a Good word is impossible to you .... Yo could Give just a Good thought. Keep good feelings in your thoughts! Your thinking will place clear, warm energy for someone...
- - give a HUG - do you remember the last time when you hugged someone - impulsively, expressively ... with warm and tender emotion, not - on promotion! ... Do you hug usually as a habit or even this kind of hug is just part of your memory? Do you know anyone broken by a lack of tenderness? Did the hug remain just a memory or even in the memories such moments have faded? Is the hug one of those special - showing goodwill and care, warmth - moments ...
- - give a KISS - even in conditions of social distance ... in conditions of missing any guarantee for anything .... forget for a while about a virtual icon with a kiss, sent to someone or unclear for whom it is intended .. ... Give a real kiss to a relative, acquaintance or someone friend with whom you share a close and personal space. Give an air kiss to someone - a stranger or a relative who has gone far abroad! Give someone a kiss...
- - give UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - the most expensive gift that is unknown to many people. It is a poorly described kind of love. It is not possible to be painted with a pencil or colored paints. Well, even if no one gives it to you, you could give it to someone. It sounds easy, but definitely is not easy!